Thursday, January 29, 2009

my letter from harrison ford

It's a little known fact that I have a lot of celebrity friends. I get mail all the time from Jimmy Carter. His letters are kinda boring because he's always talking about charity, but it's still nice to know that he's thinking of me.

Well, keeping up with my famous friends can be tough, so I'm glad they keep sending me letters. I got one yesterday from Harrison Ford. Of course he's all about his charity, but it's a nice gesture.

I think I'm going to send one back to him.

Dear Harrison,

Your charity looks pretty cool. I'll look into it.

It's too bad that we haven't talked in a long time. I miss our chats about Star Wars and stuff.

Things are going well here. I did see your new Indy flick. It was ok. I'm sorry, but I know you love my honesty. It just wasn't as good as the old ones. We'll get some coffee soon and I'll tell you some of my ideas for the next one.

Well, I have to get going. I hope you have a great day! Tell Calista I said hi!



And if he doesn't like my letter, then I'll sell the one he sent me on ebay. It has his official signature on it. It might look like a photocopy, but it's real. Trust me.

I'm off to check my mail.



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