Friday, January 16, 2009

more awesome words

Not too long ago I found a list of words that people thought were overused and useless. It was done by a university who thought that they had the final say in all things wordy.

Well, not to be outdone by an institute of higher learning, Askmen decided to find their own list of overused words.

AND AGAIN, they are horribly wrong. I think it is because they cannot accept that language changes and evolves. I, on the other hand, embrace the changes and evolutions of the world.

Here are a few examples of their silly list:

Awesome: Obviously they don't talk to me. I use the word all the time AND I use it correctly. You could say that I use the word awesomely. They believe something awesome should only be used to describe something of incredible importance. I agree. Much like how I say "awesome" when it is comic book day. How do they not get that?

Seriously: Seriously?! They don't get that?! Do you know what is great? You all understood HOW I just said "seriously" at the beginning of this section. That's why there is nothing wrong with it.

Literally: They are upset that people say literally instead of figuratively. As in, "That test was so hard that I literally thought my head was going to explode." How does askmen know that I didn't mean that literally? My head may have almost exploded. Sure, if I meant something figuratively, I could say it that way, but that would literally kill me. No joke. I would die. Literally. I might also die figuratively, but that wouldn't matter if I literally died.

They have more words on their list. "Whatever", "ridiculous" and "like" are on there as well, but I just don't have the patience to deal with their attitude. It's literally ridiculous. They're gonna tell me what words to use? Pffft...Whatever. They're all, like, "You shouldn't use those words!" and I'm all, like, "I will because I'm way more awesome than you!"

I'm off to say whatever I want to whomever I want.



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