Monday, February 2, 2009

plural possessive

Before I get on with today's topic, I should warn all those grammar-folk out there that this may be offensive. Granted, my grammar is pretty shoddy most of the time, but this time there will be grammar mistakes done on purpose.

Birmingham, England will be getting rid of apostrophes from all street signs. So now you are left to wonder whether "Queens Square" is owned by a queen or just a square populated with queens.

Why did they do this? They say it is too confusing. Really. That's what they said. Birmingham's officials have been debating this for years. It's been a huge problem for people. If my town council was debating this, I would throw oranges at them and tell them to fix the potholes. Or the pothole's potholes.

I guess they COULD get rid of the apostrophe. If anybody asked you to find St. Mary's Road, would you need to know if there was an apostrophe or not? Probably not.

"Hi. I'm an American. Can you help me find something?"

"Cheerio! 'Course I can guvnuh!"

"Can you point me towards St. Mary's Road?

"Are you looking for the road Mary owns or the one with more than one Mary?"

"I guess the one she owns."

"Right-oh, chap! You're on it!"

"Thank you!"


I don't think that will ever happen. What I found interesting was that the group of grammar-philes over there yell at stores that use the possessive when they really shouldn't. This would probably annoy me as well.

There are stores that put up signs that say "apple's and pear's". Are they daft? Really? I would go into that store and ask what the apple owns. If they couldn't tell me, I would steal all their apples and say I own them now.

How's that for possessive!

Take that bad grammar.

I'm off to apostrophize.



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