Friday, April 2, 2010

the whip city

I was thinking about Whip City yesterday. Westfield is Whip City, for those who don't know. That's in Massachusetts, for you out-of-state readers. Mass is in the United States, for you international readers. My blog is huge in Thailand. HUGE!

Anyway, Whip City is actually a cooler name than Westfield. They should have used that name instead. Who wouldn't want to live in Whip City?

I would like to live in Sword City. Or Ninja City! I don't know where those are, but I should find them!

I should become president so I can change the names of cities. They're so boring. Southwick. What does that even mean? The bottom of a candle?! How about Super City!

Springfield could be Awesome City! West Springfield could become Sword City!

The exclamation point is actually part of the name. I'm not just yelling a lot. And they are not factorials. It's just there to add pizzazz.

Awesome City!, MA

Ninja City!, MA

Whip City!, MA

Get it? Cool. Got any cool names for cities?

Next time we'll rename the states. Especially Utah. They should have named it Wha-Bam!

I'm off to run for president.

Enjoy Everything.


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