Thursday, April 15, 2010

exact change

Woah. And I mean WOAH! We're talkin' "Joey Lawrence level" woah. I went to the hypersupermarket (check yesterday's blog for details on THAT word) yesterday and had the coolest thing happen.

My bill was $30.00. To the PENNY!

When have you ever bought a whole bunch of stuff at the store and had an exact, zero-cent bill? Never! That was the first time it ever happened to somebody! EVER. And it happened to me!

I thought ribbons and balloons were going to fall down from the sky. They did not.

Nor did I get any sort of discount. Which probably would have messed up my exact number.

Yesterday was a good day.

Don't worry, it could still happen to you someday. It's not likely, but you never know.

I'm off to pay without change.

Enjoy Everything.


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