Thursday, April 22, 2010

gull island

Gull Island. Sounds cool, right? Maybe a good name for a TV show or something? If not, that's kinda the direction I'm going in, so just play along. Thanks.

The Department of Fish and Game in Boise, Idaho has a pelican problem. (say this next part VERY dramatically) A pelican problem that can only be taken care of by an elite force of professionals. Professionals brought together for one mission. To remove the pelicans.

Three badgers and two skunks are the members of their new strike force. They have to watch over Gull Island. Or die trying.

I guess the pelicans are hurting the trout population. And Boise knew just where to go. I call it "Team Stinky Badge!" Get it? Because they have skunks and badgers? I know. Funny.

Team Stinky Badge is going to take care of this problem using the latest in Pelican Elimination Stealth Technology. Or P.E.S.T.

And that's all I have for my new TV show. It's going to be pretty awesome. There will be a lot of fighting. And a lot of drama. Comedy, too. Maybe some romance. Probably a few ninja pelicans. You know, the usual stuff.

I'm off to Gull Island. Dun Dun!

Enjoy Everything.


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