Friday, January 8, 2010


I don't know how I missed this, but apparently Superman was the Inspector General of Homeland Security once. Of course, he went by the name Clark Kent...Ervin...but still.

I like to follow the news now, but back then, I didn't care that much. Lately, I've been hearing a lot from Clark Kent Ervin and he is now the head of the Homeland Security Program at the Aspen Institute.

His name really is Clark Kent Ervin. His older brother told his parents that they should name the new baby after his favorite super hero. They did. This is why his parents are awesome.

This is ALSO why children should name babies. It's WAY cooler!

Good names for babies: Batman, Spider-Man, Nightwing, Hulk, Nova and Rocket Raccoon.

Now, Clark Kent...Ervin...goes by that name. Obviously because he knows how cool it is to BE CLARK KENT! (ervin)

Would I like to meet him someday?


Will I rip open his shirt to see if he has a costume on underneath?

I'd consider it, but since he's Superman AND part of Homeland Security, I feel like my chances of getting away from that situation unharmed are pretty slim.

But I like those odds.

I'm off to Aspen.



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