Friday, August 21, 2009

heavy fish

A new report said that every fish tested in these United States has mercury in it. Not just a high percentage. Every. Single. One.

If it makes you feel any better, only 25% of them have mercury levels so high that they are unsafe to eat. So you have a 75% chance of only poisoning yourself a little bit.

Don't eat fish. I don't really care about the mercury. Fish just taste NASTY! It's like eating solid salt water. I don't like licking the ocean. Maybe mercury would actually make fish taste better, but I doubt it. Unless mercury tastes like sugar.

I remember once in high school we got a vial of mercury. It was cool because it was really heavy. AND it is a metal that is a liquid at room temperature! How cool is that! No wonder fish eat it all the time. I would have, but the vial was sealed shut.

I thought it might give me super powers. Maybe make me faster. (that's a mercury joke Latin students will get)

I'm off to NOT eat fish.



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