Tuesday, August 18, 2009


There is a show on NBC called "Merlin" about a young Arthur in Camelot. One day Arthur shoots a unicorn and gives the horn to his dad as a gift. Then all the crops in Camelot die and the water turns into sand.

All because you're NOT SUPPOSED TO KILL A UNICORN! How did he not know that?! Did Arthur even go to school?!

I was cursed once. It wasn't really that bad of a curse, but they called it a curse. I was walking in the mall and the escalator wasn't working. A guy at the bottom said that I would be cursed if I walked up it. I did. And all my crops died. Which was fine because I was only growing basil with my Chia herb garden.

Then my water turned into sand. That was also cool because I had a sandbox in the bathroom.

The last curse was that I could only eat candy for 21 days and 21 nights. Clearly the curse-giver didn't really think about his cursing.

After riding a working escalator, I was found to be pure of heart and my water became water again. I grew many herbs with my Chia and I didn't have to eat candy. I did, but I didn't HAVE to.

Your lesson? Don't go to the mall. Weird people will curse you.

I'm off to shop online.



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