Wednesday, September 23, 2009

run like the wind

Can you run? I can't. It's hard. I've been going to the gym for a while and enjoy the elliptical. I have found out that running is WAY harder than that. I can elliptical for about 30 minutes and not have a problem. If I run for about 10 minutes I'll collapse.

I got up to 13 minutes the other day. I was pretty excited.

I decided to run because I figure running has more real world applications than ellipticalling.

For example: If an elephant starts chasing me and all I have are elliptical skills, it will probably catch me immediately and beat me with its tusk or a lead pipe or something.

If I can run, I may come across a cache of ancient samurai weapons within 7 minutes of my 13 minute limit (and 'minute limit' is also really fun to say!). Therefore, I could defend myself with a wakizashi or a naginata and possibly extend my life a little bit.

Even though elephants are trained in many forms of martial arts, I'm pretty skilled with a wakizashi.

I'm off to run.



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