Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I was out this weekend and heard somebody say that their favorite color was orange. That's right, orange. Have you EVER met anybody whose favorite color is orange?! That seems like the strangest color to have as a favorite!

It's just so...orange. I can understand colors like blue or pink or even yellow. But orange?

I mean, I guess it's okay for sticky notes. You can't miss an orange sticky because you'll look at it and WANT to do whatever you wrote on it just so you can take the sticky down!

I have to admit that orange is my favorite color of juice. I do drink orange juice every morning. Sometimes, when I'm feeling a little crazy, I may even drink it at night. But don't tell anybody. I'm a little ashamed.

Orange is the name of a really good album by Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. I'm pretty sure you never heard of them, but you should listen to that album. It's pretty awesome. Even though it's called orange. And the disc is orange. That was my first CD. Hmmm...now that I think about it, my second CD was also orange-colored. It was The Flaming Lips album Clouds Taste Metallic.

I guess orange was a popular color in the mid-90s. At least it was to the bands I liked.

I SUPPOSE orange is an okay color. But a favorite? Eh...I'm still not convinced. Stick with black or green or something.

Is it your favorite color? I can't imagine that it is. Unless it is in juice form, but that's different.

I'm off to relive the mid-90s.



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