Friday, February 25, 2011

bending light and not bending time

I can bend light by the speed of my car! As I was driving into work today, the lights hitting my windshield (or windscreen in England) were all bending and curving towards the lower left. It was beautiful!

Most of the time, when I drive to work, I pay attention to the road and that's kinda boring. But this morning, I could watch the lights bend and I didn't even have to watch where I was going!

I've always felt that the speed of my car would change my gravitational pull. Clearly it does. Since I was creating enough gravity to bend light.

Sadly, I could not bend time and I was a few minutes late to work. Bending time is much harder to do.

It's also harder to write songs about.

Sorry, that's an inside joke that maybe 6 other people will get. And only 3 will read. But trust me, if you KNEW about the song Bending Time, you would think any joke about it is hilarious. Seriously. You should just laugh because you know it's actually funny.

Go ahead, laugh. I'll wait.

See! I told you it was funny! Don't you love inside jokes?

I do too. That's why we get along so well. We never know what we're laughing about. But at least we're laughing!

I'm off to bend stuff.

Enjoy Everything.


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