Monday, January 31, 2011

powdered milk goes great with powdered toast

I don't get how powdered milk works. I understand the basic idea. It's milk that is dried. Add water and you have some liquid milk again!

But why does it last longer? Milk goes bad after a certain amount of time. Water does not. Take the water out of milk, the milk should STILL go bad, right?!

That makes sense to me! Now, I'm no scientist, but I AM related to a doctor and a physicist. So clearly, I know what I'm talking about.

The answer is clearly magic. Like Harry Potter-style magic! Powderus Stayus Unspoilicus!

I wish there were more magic powder foods. I wonder if powdered milk works like pixie dust. It DOES have magical properties. Maybe I should sprinkle some powdered milk on my head to see what happens.

I bet I can fly. Or at least jump REALLY high. Like, maybe a foot off the ground! THAT would be high!

If I can get my hands on some powdered eggs, I bet I could hold my breath for 17 seconds.

I know, that's almost unheard of!

That's what happens when you use magic to make food.

I'm off to put the power in powder.

Enjoy Everything.


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