Monday, January 24, 2011

ice spears falling from the sky

Duuuuuuuuuuuuude! You should see the icicles hanging from my room!

They're, like, the size of a Yugo! I don't even know what a Yugo is, but I hear they are HUGE!

I woke up to see a spiky shadow from my window shade. I looked out there and saw these icicles that look like a death trap!

It's totally awesome.

I hope you have some cool icicles, too. Pun intended.

But make sure you are safe around them! The ones outside my window look dangerous. Thankfully, I wear a helmet most of the time. You never know what's going to fall from the sky!

I once got bonked on the head by a starfish. I don't know where it came from, but there it was...on my helmet.

Starfish have been known to latch onto your head and take over your mind. Then you do starfishy/echinodermy things moving across an ocean floor.


So wear your helmet. Because of starfish and icicles and stuff.

I'm off to protect my head.

Enjoy Everything.


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