Thursday, May 13, 2010

hole in space

There is a hole in space. And nobody seems too worried about it.

At first, scientists were pretty cool with it. They thought it might be a very dense cloud and infrared light would see through it. No such luck. It's just a hole. In space.

So far the hole doesn't seem to be causing any problems. But, you gotta wonder...what kind of weapon can blow a hole in space?

Not one that I would like to meet! What if giant, alien caterpillars have giant space-penetrating guns?! Shouldn't we be a little worried about that?!

Just because it doesn't seem likely, doesn't mean it isn't true. I hit a nail into a piece of wood once. That's kinda the same thing. Except bigger nails.

Don't believe me? It's true. I even bought a hammer for it. I used to use random blunt objects, but I've gotten so good at building things that I figured I would get a hammer. I'm pretty handy with it.

Fine. Don't believe me. See if I fix your space-hole problem.

I'm off to build a spice rack.

Enjoy Everything.


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