Monday, November 2, 2009

taste my words

Have you ever heard of gustatory auditory synaeshesia? (Can we just call it GAS for short?) People with GAS (I promise I'm not trying to make a joke there) can taste words.

So, if you are talking to someone with GAS, then your words will make them have a particular taste in their mouth.

Supposedly this is real. Some guy in England has it and says that The Lord's Prayer tastes like bacon. And when people speak to him in German, he can taste jam. (Sounds made up, I know.)

My speaking voice tastes like honey and gummy bears. I mean, I don't know for sure, but I think it does. That's what I taste when I hear myself talk.

I bet the word unicorn tastes like cotton candy! And giraffe tastes like caramel!

But does the word cherry tastes like a cherry? Or does banana taste like banana? And do snozzberries taste like snozzberries?! Hmmm...

I'm off to listen to myself talk...mmm...honey...



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