Friday, September 24, 2010

salmon: genetically modified for your enjoyment

Whoa! Big debate about genetically modified salmon!

Who wouldn't want a bigger salmon? Heck, why stop there?! Let's give those salmon bionic fins! Then they'll be able to swim faster than a minnow on a sugar high!

Minnows swim pretty quickly. Or so I've heard. When I said it.

So maybe genetically modified food isn't a great idea. What if, mayhap, the salmon brain grows bigger as well? Then these genius salmon might start outsmarting bears. THEN start outsmarting humans. THEN learn how to breathe in space! THEN TAKE OVER THE UNIVERSE!

See...scientists don't think of these things when creating havoc with a very fragile ecosystem.

Now, if they were able to genetically modify clouds so that rain turns into caramel before it hits the ground, I would say, "Let's get all havocy!"

Not everything is bad for the ecosystem. Especially caramel.

I'm off to get genetically havocked.

Enjoy Everything.


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