Wednesday, June 23, 2010

pork boarding

The National Pork Board in Portland, Oregon seems to have a problem with unicorns. The Pork Board is suing ThinkGeek (a great online store) because TG is saying that unicorns are "the new white meat." And "an excellent source or sparkles."

First of all, it's not funny to joke about eating unicorns. Second of all, there are sparkle supplements. I take one every day. Third of all, I believe pork is the OTHER white meat. Not "new" at all.

The Pork Board issued a cease-and-desist to ThinkGeek about the ad. THEN they said that unicorns don't exist.

Wow. That's bold. And a lie! Why would they say that? And if they are so sure that unicorns don't exist, why would they even issue a cease-and-desist? If it don't exist, no cease-and-desist!

That's my new motto. Which might become a t-shirt.

But we can't use that for unicorns. They do exist. So...we're kinda stuck. Or, the Pork Board is stuck. You can't have it both ways, Porkies!

I think I will ban all pork until they stop being stinky.

That'll show'em.

I'm off to take my sparkle supplement.

Enjoy Everything.


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