Thursday, October 15, 2009

basic human rights

While our country is wasting time trying to figure out if getting health care is a basic human right, Finland is tackling the real issues.

Broadband Internet.

It is now LAW in Finland that everybody in the country must be given access to broadband internet. It is, in fact, a basic human go online.

And I couldn't agree more.

I have decided to root for this new government health care because that will get us one step closer to government mandated internet access.

Think of the utopia we would achieve! Everybody could find my wishlist on Amazon! I have, like, ten pages of stuff I want! (And I have it organized by priority, so please go with the highest priority first. Thank you.)

Since everybody in Finland will be online, we'll be able to chat with them about Finnish rock band Apocalyptica. Or converse about Linus Torvalds brilliant Linux OS.

Finally, after all that wonderful conversation, we'll wind down with a Runeberg tart and talk about Pesapallo.

Oh the Finnish times we'll have. ( Editor’s note: Jokes are funnier when accompanied with the Finland Wikipedia page...we think.)

I'm off to Finnish what I started. (Okay, so that joke is funny AND you don't have to look anything up!)



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