Friday, August 15, 2008

helmet boy will save the day!

Well, this wraps up my vacation. On the last day, I saw some old friends in North Carolina. Old as in I have known them for a long time, not that they are aged. They are Meg and Kev and they are the proud parents of Helmet Boy. He is a superhero. A safe and well-protected superhero.

Actually, his name is Jake and he becomes the superhero Helmet Boy when he dons his fabulous tractor helmet. It might look like a bike helmet, but its uses are many. Jake gets this superhero name because was wearing his helmet while riding his toy tractor. When tractor-time was over, he decided to keep his helmet on for dinner. Have you ever been to dinner? I'll bet you've injured yourself more than once at the dinner table. Jake doesn't get hurt. If a bean flies off his plate and goes for his cranium, Jake feels no pain. If a meteor falls through the roof, it just bounces off his head. It's amazing. Both of those things actually happened while he was eating. In that order, too. I was so impressed that I wrote a superhero theme song for him.

Besides Jake being one of the coolest kids you'll ever meet, I also got to hang with Kev and Meg. First, there is a cupcake shop in North Carolina. Yep. I spoke about them a little while ago NOT knowing that these magical places even existed. They do and they are beautiful. Unfortunately, the evil Witches of Vegetable made sure that the cupcake shop was closed when I went there. I could see the Castle of Cupcake inside the window though. It was amazing. I could hear the cupcakes calling out my name hoping I could save them from the Vegetable Demons, but sadly, I wouldn't be able to do that until 9am the next morning, and I just couldn't wait that long. Luckily, Kev has no problem with making cupcakes at 10pm on a Thursday night. He is my knight is sugary, frosting armor.

Finally, I'm sure you have had the experience to reminisce with friends about the past, but do you reminisce with a video of you playing in a rock and roll band at a juice bar in the middle of nowhere? I didn't think so. I watched a video of me from 8 years ago. Did you know that it was the year 2000 eight years ago? Do you remember what happened that long ago? I'll tell you:

Indonesia had an earthquake that measured 7.9 on the Richter scale.

Divers found the ancient port of Alexandria.

And, 1 pound of bacon cost $2.97

Wow...the crazy things that happened in those good old days. Those were the three most important things that happened the whole year. Well, besides me rocking the roof off a juice bar. I think we rocked so hard that night that they didn't even need to use the blenders. You got it, we just played rock and roll and all the fruit exploded and landed neatly into glasses for people to drink and enjoy. Unfortunately, nobody was there. Except us and the person filming us...and by the movement of the video, it looked like he was falling asleep. wooo...we rocked slightly harder than a lullaby...but only barely.

That is all! I've never blogged so much in my life! I hope you enjoyed it. If you didn' my parents...they made me go on family vacation. I told them I couldn't go because I had to blog about non-vacation happenings in my life, but they offered me candy, know...can't say no to that!

I'm off to don my helmet.



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