Tuesday, December 30, 2008

hold on one second

This year we are adding a leap second to our clocks. It seems people are all sorts of messed up about this. I'm not kidding. I just read an article about the problems people are having with this.

We go by Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and they'll be adding a second to the year. So, when everybody else is counting down to midnight on New Year's Eve, you should wait a second, then start. You will be right on time.

Unfortunately, there is another way to tell time. With Atomic Power! OOOOOOH! International Atomic Time can give us the most accurate time, but using it will cause an uproar. Why? Because in a thousand years, things will be different by an hour. Yep. I don't understand why it works this way, but instead of the sun being at its highest point at noon, it will be at its highest point at 1pm. Oh, chaos will also ensue.

I really don't understand why we couldn't just move our clocks back an hour to line it up with noon again. Scientists haven't figured out how to do this yet with Atomic clocks. I think it has to do with the fact that they are atomic and will blow up if you try to change them.

Anyway, those mean Greenwich people are going to add a second to the clocks this year, so make sure you change your clocks at home...quickly.

Some scientists are worried about the problems that will arise from adding that second. I'm pretty sure all computers will shut down. Then they will come alive and attack you. I know your computer doesn't have any arms or anything, but it might be a good idea to unplug your mouse and keyboard since your computer can use them as weapons.

I'm just trying to keep you from getting a mouse to the face. That can hurt. Some scientists have said that your computer might actually grow arms and legs, so you might want to keep an eye on it. If, at any point, your computer starts to look like a Transformer, I would smash it with an anvil. That's just what I would do, though. You can do whatever you want. Just don't say I didn't warn you.

I'm off to set my clocks.



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