Wednesday, March 16, 2011

of course they're real

So some people did a study asking other people whether they thought lightsabers were real or not. Do you know what they found? Only 24% of people thought they were real!

What?! Don't they teach kids science anymore?!

That's like saying unicorns and water don't exist. Hello! They're practically everywhere!

I'm pretty sure I'm made up of mostly water. And restly unicorn.

I also may or may not own a lightsaber.

If you prefer to (correctly) choose the "may not" option, please feel free to purchase one for me for my birthday. Or just because it's Wednesday.

I may or may not already own a ninja sword, but just in case I lose that, a lightsaber would be nice.

So if I were to ask you, "Are koala bears and lightsabers real?" You would have to answer, "Yes."

That's how we do it in science.

Also, in science, we know 42 disco moves that can reboot a computer.

Don't hate it. It's just science.

I'm off to conduct surveys.

Enjoy Everything.


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