Tuesday, June 24, 2008

pink kryptonite 2: pink rock

Hi everybody! I did it! I wrote a song about pink day. I should have been doing something productive like using spackle to plug up holes. Is that called spackling? I like the word spackle. Or I should have been rehearsing lines for my musical (PLUG WARNING!!! Grease at South Hadley High School July 17-19).

Instead, I wrote this song:


Co-Worker Dina liked it. I don't know what else to tell you. I actually think she is the only person who watched it. Maybe somebody else will like it.

I can't believe my last song, Non-Gender Specific Baby, had, like, 40 hits! That's, like, 38 more hits than I thought it was going to get!

If you missed out on that link, here it is again (or you can ignore it again, I don't mind):


Why doesn't somebody stop me from writing these songs? And, even more importantly, why am I allowed to post them on youtube!? Don't they have censors who should stop this wackiness from being seen by the public! No? They don't? Sweet...nothing can stop me.

I'm off to write more songs. I know you don't want me to, but not even a fake tunnel opening painted on the side of a mountain can stop me now! (nice try coyote)



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