Friday, May 15, 2009

chips for breakfast

A lady in England has created potato chips that you can eat for breakfast! The chips are bacon, buttered toast, egg and tomato flavored. Now that sounds like a good breakfast!

I don't know if they have 9 essential vitamins and minerals, but if they do, they're probably just as healthy as most cereals!

I would like a cherry pie flavored chip. That would be yummy. Why not just get a cherry pie, you ask? Because it's kinda hard to eat a cherry pie while I'm driving, isn't it?!

Maybe they could have gummy bear flavored chips.

What would you like for a chip flavor? Blueberry? Snozzberry perhaps? Yellow-flavored?

I like chips. I also like pie. Rainbows and unicorns are good, too.

OOOOH! Rainbow and Unicorn flavored chips! I bet those would be awesome.

I'm off to buy some chips.



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