Friday, April 29, 2011

mark point bang

In my studies of worldly languages, I come across the exclamation point a lot. You've seen it. ! Right there. Did you miss it? Here it is again.


Cool, right? YES IT IS! Because it makes me shout more!

Since I am a scholar in punctuation marks, I learned that the exclamation point is also called an "exclamation mark" and a "bang."

Yep. You end it with a bang!

Did you know that? Have you ever heard it called that? I never have.

Did you also know that some royal wedding happened today? It was pretty much everywhere in the news. I thought the prince would have to slay a dragon, but I guess they don't do that anymore.

Which is good because not all dragons are bad. Only some should be slayed. Or slain. Slained?

Gotten ridded of...ed...ain...

Anyway, dragons are cool. I wish there was a dragon in the royal wedding. There were horses. Maybe one of them was actually a dragon in disguise.

Yeah, I'll go with that.

I'm off to !!!!!!!!!!!.

Enjoy Everything.


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