Thursday, April 28, 2011

breakfast disco party

So there is a breakfast disco after the royal wedding?!

At first I thought they were lame with all their boring wedding stuffs, but this could change my mind!

At least, the sister-in-law could. Pippa! Middleton (legally, there is no exclamation point after her name, but I like it there) planned a "Breakfast Disco" after the wedding.

With disco balls! And ice cream! Two of my 23 favorite disco things!

Pippa! sounds pretty awesome. WAY more awesomer than the actual royal family people.

And she has a cool name. PIPPA!

Sadly, I will not be at the breakfast disco. I WILL have breakfast, though.

Maybe some apples. Perhaps a bit of toast. Stuff like that. Nothing flashy.


I'm off to pippa.

Enjoy Everything.


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