Tuesday, January 4, 2011

welcome to the tri-state area of big ugly

During my time away from work, I did a lot of things.  One of those lot was trying to find the town of Danville in a tri-state area. 

If you watch "Phineas and Ferb" on Disney, then you know what I'm talking about (and get my jokes).  They live in Danville.  I was curious where it might be.

I found out.  Sort of.  There are a bunch of Danvilles in the U.S., but none of them are close to a tri-state location.  A few are kinda bi-statey.  One is even bi-country!  Thank you, Washington! 

I also found out that Danville, WV isn't far from the Big Ugly Hunting Area! 

I thought that was quite insulting for a hunting area, but it only got that name from the Big Ugly Creek.  An early settler, possibly insecure, saw the creek many years ago and thought it was less than pretty.  So, they called it a Big Ugly Creek.  And that name stuck with it. 

So now you can go to the Big Ugly Wildlife Management Area.  Enjoy some Big Ugly scenery.  Then top it off with a Big Ugly dinner! 

That is, if you want to have a full-on Big Ugly vacation.  And who doesn't!? 

That is what I do with my free time.  Aren't you jealous.

I'm off to...hey, where's Perry?

Enjoy Everything.


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