Wednesday, January 26, 2011

more absorbent than the regular heart

I love that my paper towels have absorbent hearts. I don't know why I love that, but it feels like it should mean something.

Like, "the heart can wipe up any of life's spills."

That's so eloquent that it should be on a fortune cookie. Or maybe put online and incorrectly attributed to some Greek poet.

The heart is tougher than we give it credit for.

OOOOOH! "The quicker picker-upper-hearter!"

No, wait..."The hearter picker-upper!"

I like that one better.

Yeah. It's nice to wipe things up with a heart. It makes me feel like the paper towel loves its job.

And everybody should love their job. ESPECIALLY paper towels.

I'm off to clean up life's spills.

Enjoy Everything.


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