Thursday, January 20, 2011

how many spaces could a space space space

How many spaces do you put after a period? Or a question mark?

If you answered two, then you are wrong! Don't worry. I was wrong, too.

I was raised on the "two spaces after a period" mantra.

There's a whole reason behind the "two spaces" rule, but I guess that was outdated after 1976. Most of us just didn't get the memo.

I'm trying to change to the "one space" rule. It's not easy.

You know what? I do NOT like this one space thing! Everything looks too close together! I can barely read it even WITH my glasses on!

It really bothers some people if you put two spaces after a period. I don't know why. Just to make them EXTRA mad, I'm going to put two spaces after EVERY word. And THREE after every sentence!

Take  that  word  people!  I  bet  you  hate  reading  this!  I LOVE it!  Join  me  in  the  space  revolution!

I'm off to  t a k e  u p  s p a c e .

E n j o y  E v e r y t h i n g .


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