Friday, December 10, 2010

hello, my name is robot, and I'll be your server

A new restaurant in China is run by robots!  There are six robot waiters and two robot hostesses. 

I guess they have genders, since there are no waitresses and no hosts.  I don't know.  I'm just telling you what I saw in the article. 

You go to this place and eat food that was delivered to your table by a robot.

Which SOUNDS awesome, but haven't they ever seen "2001: A Space Odyssey!"

Do you really want a robot telling you what you can eat or not?  Because, really, you KNOW they are correct.  They're robots.  And robots are never wrong.

Except that one time a robot told me that my tight leather pants didn't look cool on me.

That robot was just jealous of my totally rad, rock and roll style. 

I bet that after I left that party, the robot got a pair of leather pants just like mine.

Those robots.  What do they know.

Unless they take over the world, then I'm all for leather-panted robots. 

You robots look totally swanky.  Seriously.  Leather pants AND a fedora?  Awesome.  Please don't shoot me with lasers.

I'm off to buy my fedora. 

Enjoy Everything.


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