A fruit company in Japan plays music to their fruit. They get bananas. Put them in a "banana ripening chamber." Then pump Mozart through the loud speakers.
The bananas prefer Mozart's String Quartet No. 17 and his Piano Concerto No. 5 in D major.
The fruit company has found that it makes for a sweeter banana. Not a banana that will walk you across the street, but rather a banana with a sweeter taste.
Does this work for all fruits? I don't know. BUT! The folks in Japan say that it does make for a better sake!
I think I will try playing some Mozart in my freezer. I have a lot of frozen veggies. And they taste like vegetables. But if they tasted like SWEET vegetables, they would be so much better!
I don't think I can get my stereo in my freezer, but I DO know that my laptop fits just fine. I'll just have to download some Mozart to my laptop and put it in there...again.
Unfortunately, I can't check twitter while my veggies are getting sweeter.
That's okay. I'll just post "veggies getting sweeter so I can't be a tweeter."
I'm sure all of my one follower will understand.
I'm off to hire a quartet for my fruit bowl.
Enjoy Everything.
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