Tuesday, August 24, 2010

pen pal

Did you know that I've been cleaning out a bunch of stuff from storage? If you want some old comic books, let me know. I can probably hook you up.

I found a letter from a pen pal I had in 1987. I think I wrote one letter to him. He wrote one letter back to me. Here's what I know about my pen pal:

-His name is Derrick

-He likes to go fishing.

-His dad got him a newt.

-He was happy to get my letter.

And that's Derrick, ladies and gentlemen!

I wonder if he's still out there somewhere. I wonder if he still has the letter I sent him? Do you think he still likes fishing? What happened to that newt he was so excited about?

These are questions that I may never find answers to. I bet Derrick is thinking the same thing about me. So I'll answer Derrick's questions from my letter to him:

-I haven't gone fishing in years.

-I still like the color red.

-I did become a ninja space pirate.

There you go Derrick. All your questions are now answered. Write back.

I'm off to find a pen pal.

Enjoy Everything.


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