The spelling bee is happening tonight! I love the spelling bee. It's so much fun to watch. It is the only sport that I can get into. I even have a fantasy spelling bee team online. Okay, that's a lie, but I would if I knew how to get online.
Of course, nothing is without controversy. Or double negativity. There is a group of protesters at the spelling bee who want us to simplify spelling. They say the alphabet is useless because we have so many strange rules with our language.
For example, on their website they ask the question "Why don't comb, tomb and bomb rhyme?"
Good question. Our language is crazy. I'm a huge fan of silent letters, but that's about it. So, in honor of our simplified spellers, I'm going to attempt to write the rest of this story as they would.
I gess I didn't reelly think abowt wut I wuz going tu write becuz I don't no wut tu say. I can't wate tu see the spelling be toonite. It is going tu be totally awesum. I will make sum fude to eet. It will be good.
I have a feeling my spell chek is going tu hate me for this blawg. I don't care, tho. My spell chek is always making fun of me. It calls me names.
Ok, enuf of this. I don't no wut els to write. I see a fone. It is blak. I ware shoos on my feet. I kan sing uhlong with a lawt uv Paula Abdul songs.
I'm awff tu fite with my spell chek.
Enjoy Everything.
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