Wednesday, June 30, 2010

big day

Not only was there a new pond at work today, but I got my order from amazon!

I really thought the pond was going to be the big story, but they cleaned that up with a wet/dry vac. The pond is gone, but when I got into work this morning, there could have been some fishin' going on. It was pretty huge.

I did get some great stuff from amazon, though! And it was all my stuff. It looks like my stuff. Let me check again.


Yep...Batman comics and coffee. The little shipment slip that came in the box said something different. I don't know HOW it happened, but Courtney's order slip for Schaum's Outline of Statistics and Schaum's Outline of Financial Management got into my box!

So, it's possible that Courtney, in Chicago, is looking at my order right now. She's probably glad that she got her 5 copies of Statistics and 2 copies of Financial Management.

I'm SOOOOOO glad I didn't get them! What am I going to do with that? Become a stock broker? What does Financial Management even mean?! I'm guessing it has something to do with lemurs, but I really have no idea.

So, Courtney, if you're reading this, I hope you enjoyed my shipment slip. And I hope your statistics are as exciting as my Batman.

I doubt it, though. Let me know if you want to trade for a week. I won't read your books, but at least you get to read something exciting and non-statistic-y.

I'm off to read Batman's Outline of Statistics and Awesomeness.

Enjoy Everything.


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