Tuesday, April 20, 2010

plague pizza...yum

Locusts have come to Australia! And to help with the problem, pizza places have decided to add them as a topping on their pizzas! That is totally true.

It's good to know that when the ten plagues come to the modern world, the modern world fights back! The wars of the future will not be fought on the battlefield. NAY! They will be fought in the pizza place!

Frogs? Nice! Frog and locust pizza specials! Yes!

I know what you're thinking. Can you put darkness on a pizza? No. BUT! We have the warm glow of our computers! To order pizza online!

Boils? Whatevs. We have creams for that. And if we don't, I'm sure they can make a new pill that will be advertised on TV for you that will only have a few side-effects. Right after the pizza commercial.

I'm pretty sure there are some other plagues, but I can't remember what they are. And if I can't remember them, they don't exist anymore. Take that Egypt! Too bad you didn't have a brick oven back then!

Feh. Pyramids. What good are those?

I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I'm off to order a pizza.

Enjoy Everything.


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