Wednesday, April 14, 2010

super market

I was thinking about going to the supermarket yesterday and was wondering how a market goes from a regular market to a supermarket? Does it require gamma rays or a radioactive spider? Maybe a childhood trauma that inspires it to train in hundreds of forms of self-defense? (i.e. The Hulk, Spider-Man and Batman, in case you didn't know)

It turns out, to put the super in market, the market just has to be bigger than a regular market. And have more stuff. How much bigger and how much more? I don't know. Just more.

I ALSO found out that there are HYPERMARKETS! Hypermarkets have even MORE stuff than supermarkets! A market can become hyper if it gets too much sugar and has an enormous amount of stuff!

I want to go to a hypermarket. I don't even know where to start looking for one, but if it's bigger than a supermarket, it can't be TOO hard to find, right?

When I grow up, I'm going to open a superhypermarket. It's going to be HUUUUUUGE!

I'm off to the market.

Enjoy Everything.


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