Wednesday, October 28, 2009

golden goblets of chocolate

Today is National Chocolate Day. Well, one of them, at least. It is also National Chocolate Day on December 28 and December 29. Then, it's National Milk Chocolate Day on July 28. Finally! It is National Chocolate week in March.

So, you have plenty of times to celebrate chocolate! If you weren't doing it already.

Doing some research on chocolate, I found out that the Aztec Emperor Montezuma drank 50 golden goblets of hot chocolate every morning. It was thick, dyed red and flavored with chili peppers. I don't know what they used for the red dye, but with that much chocolate in his system, it probably doesn't matter.

Why am I not drinking that every morning! That sounds like the greatest breakfast ever! Heck, I would be happy with one golden goblet with coffee. THAT would be awesome! How cool would I look drinking my beverage from a golden goblet?

"Get me my golden goblet, puny underling! I require gallons of hot chocolate in my system!"

"Sire, don't you think that is a little too much chocolate in the morning?"

"Don't you think you should get me my chocolate before I throw you into the pit of lions and sharp objects?!"

"Yes, sire."

Of course, those who serve me well will be rewarded with lavish gifts. Like hugs. And maybe a bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon...mmmm...

I'm off to chug my chocolate.



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