Tuesday, November 25, 2008

the dancing general

I found the greatest story. It is happening in Thailand, where I guess you do what you're told.

A military general, who used to "bomb anti-government protesters and drop snakes on them from helicopters", has been assigned a new duty.

He now has to "promote public fitness at marketplaces." He has become a public aerobics instructor. Kind of like Richard Simmons...except that he's trained to kill people.

He's pretty miffed about it. I mean, that's like sending Jack Bauer to read children's stories. That would be a pretty mellow season of "24", don't you think?

The best part of the story is what our general has ready for his first day on the job. He said, "I have prepared one dance. It is called the 'throwing-a-hand-grenade' dance."

I wonder if that's anything like the sprinkler?

I have prepared a few dances just in case I have to promote public fitness at marketplaces. The first one is called the "I-can-pretend-to-be-like-spider-man" dance. It's pretty tough, so I'll probably save it for my advanced class.

My beginner class will start with something easy like the "look-at-me-mom-I-can-walk-like-a-penguin" dance.

I will try to think of more. Who knows when the Thai government will want me to promote fitness at marketplaces.

I'm off to work on my grenade dancing.



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