Monday, July 21, 2008

an open letter to spider-man

Hi again folks! It's good to be back on the blog today. I hope everybody enjoyed the weekend. It was a HUGE weekend of entertainment. Not only did my show, Grease, rock the house, BUT our main competition, The Dark Knight, became the biggest opening for a movie ever! Wow...I haven't seen Batman...yet. I hope I can get to it now that grease is over.

Since I did take last Thursday and Friday off, I had some time to kill and relax before my show. In that time, I decided to write a letter to Spider-Man. Yeah. I haven't written to him in a long time and I figured he missed me. it wasn't really to Spidey himself, but rather to the editor of the comic book, Steve Wacker. You don't really have to know what's going on in the comic book to understand the letter, but I thought I would copy the letter onto my blog so you can see what goes on in my strange little world of comic books. I wrote it after reading Amazing Spider-Man 565. There has been a lot of hype about the stories "Brand New Day" and "One More Day" that changed the whole spidey-world. Hopefully that is all the background you need. Here goes...

To: NY-Spideyoffice
Subject: ASM 565 okay to print

Hey Spidey-Folks,

I didn't know where to put the okay to print, so that's the subject. Is that cool?

It's been many, many years since I wrote into a comic book. My first printed letter was in Spidey a LONG time ago. I think what really made me feel like writing was the sign on the comic book store that said "Hey Adults! Comics!" That's so true...I am an adult now...sort of.

Anyway, everybody else is complaining/praising BND. I thought to myself, "I'm willing to bet everybody wants to hear my opinion too." Those are things I tell myself to feel here are a few comments and questions I have.

First, I have to ask, when planning out One More Day, did you call it OMD all the time? And if so, did you make "If you leave" jokes often? I would have. And I would have thought they were funny every single time.

So far this letter makes about as much sense as a dragon on a skateboard. Sorry, I don't really have coherent thoughts. What I think I really wanted to say was that the past few years of Spidey were awesome. Then, OMD happened and it was a cop-out (is that hyphenated?). I don't mind cop-outs in comics. It happens all the time, but for some reason, this one just didn't seem to fit the character. BUT, I was hopeful. BND (do they sing "One Week"...oh no....that's BNL...sorry) seemed like it might work. It started a little slow and then Bob Gale wrote an issue. Wow. That was brilliant. Tell Bob he's my favorite. I was sadly disappointed with the rest of the brain trust. Which is weird because I liked most everything the rest of the guys have done in the past. I mean, I really liked Slott's She-Hulk. It was great. I don't know what happened. Sorry, Dan.

The art teams you've been getting on the book have been wonderful too. Kudos to the art team getter person.

So, that's it. I am going to give this new direction a year or so to see if things start to build. Right now it feels about as sporadic as my letter. Maybe I'm being lenient, but I grew up with Spidey and I'm just not ready to give up on him.

Oh, and Steve. Some readers don't like you as an editor. I do. I like fun editors in my comic books. A few years back I used to read X-Men and there were two guys I always liked. I can't remember their names, but they answered with blue and red text. That was fun too. So you keep up that good work and don't let those other kids make fun of you.

I think that's it. Did I say okay to print? I think I did. I'd check for spelling and grammatical errors, but really, it's not like anybody will read this.


West Springfield

So there you go. Wanna know what he sent back? A picture of a (komodo) dragon on a skateboard. That Steve is a clever one.

Also, if you didn't know, Bob Gale was the guy who wrote Back to the Future and now he's one of the main writers on Spidey. Cool, right? I loved Back to the Future.

"Waitaminute...Doc...You built a time machine? Out of a DeLorean?" HA! Brilliant!

I'm off to look for a flux capacitor.



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