Wednesday, September 8, 2010

camel problem

Australia has a camel problem. It's true! They are everywhere! And they seem to be causing all sorts of damage!

It is actually the world's "largest feral camel population." (feral camel is fun to say!) Yep. In Australia! And you thought they only had kangaroos!

So Australians are trying to get rid of the feral camel. Some ways are not so nice, but other ways are VERY nice! Like exporting them to other countries!

Camels could become a huge export for Australia. YES AUSTRALIA! Home of the koala!

I couldn't believe it, either!

Other countries love camels, so it's a good way to get them out of Australia.

Camels are good for lots of things. Like riding, um...and other stuff!

That should be their slogan. "Camels! Good for riding! AND OTHER STUFF!"

You better get your camel now before they sell out! We'll even give you a camel accessory kit FREE! And a koala!

Order you camel today!

Okay...I'm off to get my own camel and koala.

Enjoy Everything.


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