Did you ever get into a hot car and just open all the doors to air it out a little? Isn't that breeze against your legs nice?
It is! So why don't we have leg windows? Just a little window that opens up around the knee area? Crack those open in the front of the car and feel the breeze!
Sure, there might be more rocks blowing into the car, but whatever. I can deal with a few bruises when I have that extra breeze!
And sure, at a stop sign, a small mammal might crawl into your car. But again, there is a comforting breeze! And who wouldn't want a friendly lemur or armadillo or anteater to come along for a ride?
Good idea, right? I'm pretty sure I'm a genius and should probably get tons of money for this idea.
Pretty sure.
I'm off to breeze my knees.
Enjoy Everything.
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