Tuesday, March 23, 2010

tasty war

Did you hear about the Chili Grenade?! Oh. My. Grover! It's a grenade filled with the world's hottest chili pepper. The Bhut Jolokia.

Do you know what this grenade tastes good on? EVERYTHING! Chips, rice, cake, peanut butter...anything, really!

They say it will burn your eyes and give you breathing problems. That's pretty much what you look for in a chili pepper, isn't it?

I say, forget using it for crowd control. Use it for dinner!

I may change my mind if I get the powder in my eyes, but until I have something to protest, heat me up!

Also, how come nobody names their kid Grover anymore? It's a good name. I would like to name something Grover. Maybe my car. Or my belt.

Let me think about it.

I'm off to drop a chili grenade.

Enjoy Everything.


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