Thursday, June 25, 2009

which way did he go

There are only two kinds of people who hike on the Appalachian Trail. Crazy people and physicists. And really, the line between those two is pretty thin.

For those of you who don't know, my brother is a physicist. And he doesn't read my blog because he's too busy playing with Rubidium trying to get Rydberg molecules or something. Clearly he's missing out on a great read. I think HIS electron is far from the nucleus! Hehe. (that joke might be funny to a physicist reading this paragraph)

BUT, Governors do NOT hike the Appalachian Trail. So, if there is ever a missing governor, do NOT look for him on the trail. He will not be there. They may have done it when they were younger and crazy, but not while they are governors. So, using the trail as an excuse for disappearing is about as solid as a radioactive element.

Today's lesson is that if you need to disappear to Argentina, come up with something better. Unless you're crazy or a physicist. Then you can disappear. Nobody will really question it. They'll just think it's one of your quirks. Or, if you're a physicist, one of your quarks. HA! Oh...that one WAS funny. Seriously. Physicists are on the floor crying because they are laughing so hard.

I'm so funny to so few.

I'm off to work on my physical comedy.



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