Who loves science? I do! Is there anything more fun than learning about the periodic table of the elements? I can't think of anything. Maybe learning about the periodic table of the elements while swimming in cotton candy and gummy worms, but I don't know who has a swimming pool with those things.
If you want to learn more about the elements that make up this wonderful world of ours, then you should check out this fun link.
This guy is great. He has a fondness for Osmium, but really, who doesn't?
His name is Martyn Poliakoff. He has a great accent. Unless, of course, you're from Nottingham, then he probably sounds just like you. And that hair!
Martyn: I would like to do something fun with my hair.
Other Scientist: What's wrong with a crew cut?
Martyn: I really like that poster you have of Einstein. Think I could pull that off?
OS: YES! You could SO pull that off!
Martyn: Do you think people will mind? I mean, he's more of a physicist and I'm a chemist. Do you think people will get mad?
OS: No...not if you post video online explaining all the elements.
Martyn: Then I'm calling my stylist and cancelling my hair appointment! Let the fro begin!
Little do people know that I'm a bit of a chemist myself. It's true. I found Aw. Its Atomic number is 240. You won't see it on the table...yet.
Aw stands for Awesomium. If you stand near it for too long, the awesome radiation will make you glow with awesomeness. Clearly I've been around it too long.
I'm off to look for more elements...still working on radicalium and fabulousium.
1 comment:
now all you need to discover is some Wonderflonium and then you could build a freeze-ray!
"with my freeze ray i will stop...... the world"
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