Wanna go to space?! Be a squid! A bobtail squid, to be more precise. Euprymna scolopes to be even morer preciser.
The Endeavour just went into space and it brought a squid along for the ride! The first cephalopod in space, in fact! They want to test the "effects of microgravity on beneficial bacteria." See, the bobtail squid has a symbiotic relationship with a bacteria...bacterium?...stuff that glows! Now they want to find out what happens to that stuff in space!
Symbiotic relationships can be tough. Just ask Spider-Man when he had the Venom suit. Actually, don't ask him. He might not want to get into it. If you do, don't tell him I told you to ask him. I want no part of that!
So this squid is now in space and the spacemen will do some tests on the little guy and then...I don't know. I guess release him into space? That could be bad, though! He could get hit with gamma radiation and turn into a giant squid and have to fight a whale for the control of the milky way galaxy!
Yeah, that joke will only be funny to a few people who like TMBG, but it's worth it to make those 3 people laugh. Giant squid is a palindrome of diuqstnaig. Okay, technically that's not a palindrome, but I like that song and that's the only thing I could think of.
Still, the thought of a giant squid fighting a whale in space would be cool. If only a bowl of petunias could join them. That would make for a pretty picture. It also makes another obscure reference that nobody will laugh at.
Two ducks were in a bathtub. One duck says, "Pass the soap." The other duck says, "No soap, radio!"
Now THAT'S funny!
I'm off to test microgravity on my shirts.
Enjoy Everything.
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