Tuesday, November 10, 2009

comic books are full of nutrients

Some amazing scientists have figured out what most of us knew all along. Comic books are just as sophisticated as other forms of reading.

BAM! Take that Dan Brown! Let me put a whole bunch of words on a page with no pictures. Blah, Blah, Blah, LAME!

The research found that, and I will quote them, "if you really consider how the pictures and words work together to tell a story, you can make the case that comics are just as complex as any other kind of literature."

If you can't understand that scientific mumbo jumbo, let me explain. Comic books are awesome.

The end.

We are one step closer to my own personal utopia. Now I just have to keep funding the research that proves candy is good for you.

I'm off to (I'm sure you can guess this time) read comic books.



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