Sometimes I forget how strange I must seem to people. Then something will happen to remind me. That's what happened this weekend.
I went to the forest park zoo this weekend and enjoyed all the animals. I saw a bear scratch its back. That was pretty cool. I also saw a happy turtle. That was nice. Don't ask for pictures of these things because I don't have any. I don't really think about taking pictures of stuff that I'm supposed to take pictures of.
Like the pig that would sit when you fed it. That's a good picture.
I didn't take it.
I DID take a picture of a windmill and a wheelbarrow. I liked the colors. They were pretty.
So, I'm taking pictures of a wheelbarrow and this little girl comes up to me and asks me what I'm taking a picture of. It makes sense. People are at the zoo and they're looking around for the animals and sometimes you don't see them until somebody else is pointing it out. Maybe you'll see somebody taking pictures of the corner of the cage and you finally see the little fuzzy ball of a critter. If you don't see it, you might ask them what they're taking a picture of and they'll tell you to look in the corner and that's where the animal is. Then you see it.
I had to answer this poor little girl, who, I'm sure, was all excited about finding an animal that she missed and that nobody else seemed to notice, that I was taking a picture of the wheelbarrow. Here is the exact conversation:
Girl: What are you taking a picture of?
Me: The wheelbarrow. I like the color.
Girl's Dad: C'mon honey. Get away from the weird man who takes pictures of yard equipment and not the donkey right behind him.
Ok, so that last part is not EXACTLY what he said, but it's close enough. Who wants a picture of a donkey?'s good for carrying stuff into the grand canyon. I could do that. And I won't eat your hand. Or go doo doo on the trail.
So, that's my zoo adventure. Sometimes I forget to act like a normal person when I go out in public. I'm usually good at faking it, but I can get distracted by yellow wheelbarrows and stuff. I gotta watch out for that.
Oh, I did try to get a picture of one animal, but I didn't get a good shot. It was a duck with Don King hair. It was pretty awesome. I'll be honest...I'm totally jealous of that duck.
I'm off to practice my "normal."
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