Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ghost rider

I remembered something the other day. One of those life lessons you learn in elementary school. I learned that I should never walk on railroad tracks. Yep. I'd like to say that I had a reason for remembering this, but I don't know why it popped into my head. Maybe because kids go back to school soon? I don't know. I DO know that I shouldn't get my shoe stuck in the tracks because then I might be forever stuck on the (sing dramatically "DUN, DUN DUN!") GHOST TRAIN!

They used to show us videos all the time in school to teach us lessons. I'm sure they still do that, but I'm not so sure about the ghost train. I've mentioned it to people and nobody else has ever seen it. Maybe you have...or maybe I just imagined the whole thing when I zoned out in class on the day we were learning about trains. I used to sniff crayons a lot and fade out of reality. I'm pretty sure this really happened, though.

Basically, a couple kids were walking on the train tracks and one got their shoe stuck. Oh no! Then...WHOO WHOOO...a train is coming! Lucky for the stupid kid that it's only a ghost train. The kid gets "hit" by the train and sees all these ghosts in clothing from different time periods and they all keep telling her that walking on the train tracks is dangerous.

She then wakes up NEXT to the train tracks. She's not dead at all! Was it real? Was it only a dream? Was she thinking so hard about her sticker collection that she fainted? We may never know.

She does walk away with a good lesson. Ghosts are annoying and talk about railroad safety WAY too much. She also learned that ghosts don't know how to keep up with current clothing trends. She got on the train with a sweet side pony and leg warmers. The ghosts didn't look that cool at all in their cloche hats and oxford bags.

She then makes a vow to wear totally hip clothing all the time because she wants to look rad when she's a ghost.

Or maybe she decides that it's a bad idea to walk on the train tracks and should concentrate on her sticker collection. I can't remember. It was a long time ago. I do remember having a sticker collection. Maybe I'll talk about that some other day.

So there you go. Look totally rad all the time because you never know when the ghost train is coming. I'm sure you don't want to be stuck on the train when you're wearing a side pony. What was she thinking?

I'm off to get my ticket for the ghost train. Shoes? Check. Railroad? Check. Stuck foot? Check...WHOOO WHOOOO...crud...



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